
The body knows the fullness of what Life is.

Imagination knows the possibilities of what Life can be.

A culture that belittles the body and the imagination is a culture detached from both the realities and possibilities of Life.

Renew the Culture

In these courses, you restore your innate sense of what Life is, what Life can be, and who you are.

Renew Yourself

The highest truth grows from the deepest roots of the body.
— Carl Jung
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

I spent years distilling somatic meditation practice so that you could find depth from it in months.

I took what I learned from Yoga, Vajrayana, somatic meditation, shamanic work, Focusing, and embodiment practices — through play and practice, I winnowed it down to a few vital moves that just work.

Some of what’s in the course includes:

  • Taking Practice Off the Cushion: In Somatic Resonance, time on the meditation cushion is important, but it’s time for exploration and topping up awareness. The real practice is going out into the world, bringing somatic awareness to everything you do.

  • Softening the Voice in Your Head: Most people have an inner monologue, and for many people it gets overwhelming, even mean. Somatic meditation is the best way I know to reliably go from an intense, endlessly looping voice in your head to something much less critical, much less verbal, and much more optional.

  • Two Ways a Body-Scan Feels: a short exercise about transforming our awareness of the body. You move away from being a head with a body under you to simply being a body.

  • Grounded View: We take a view of somatic resonance as one pathway to finding authenticity, grounded intellect, and the voice of the soul. It’s a way to open into more vivid engagement with the world, not to transcend it.

  • Inhibitory and Excitatory Practice: Most meditative practice centers on inhibition — calming down, breathing deep, lowering your energy into stillness. What’s usually neglected is energy-raising practices, like ecstatic dance or shamanic shaking. For Somatic Resonance, we return again and again to both possibilities.

The course is hosted in Notion, and has a choose-your-own-path structure. The goal is not only to help you build somatic resonance skills, but to build the meta-skill of developing your own taste and intuition for what your body-mind responds to best.

Imagination may be the most essential, uniquely human capacity - creating both the dead-end crises of our time and the doorway through them.
— Bill Plotkin

Just like you can use knowledge of the wind and air currents to sail, fly, or get out of the path of a wildfire — you can use knowledge of the Psyche’s currents to transform and navigate Life, seizing opportunities and avoiding obstacles.

In this course, we train in imaginal practice to first notice, then guide the patterns of the Psyche.

Some of what we learn includes:

  • Journeying: From Jungian analysts to Sufi mystics to shamans and ancient Greek philosophers, inner journeying has always been used to understand our lives, our psyches, and the nature of the world. This course gives firm, steady directions to build your skill and agency with journeying.

  • Dreamwork: Dreams are the purest place to observe the dynamic currents of the Psyche. By working with dreams, and by journeying back into them, there’s no limit to what you can learn, to the patterns you can shift.

  • Intuitive Soma-Kinetics (ISK): The currents of the Psyche don’t stop in your mind — they pulse through your body too. By tracking them and allowing them to move you, you can remove all kinds of obstructions between you and the free flow of Deep Aliveness.

  • Lucid Waking: The goal of any imaginal practice isn’t just to journey alone in your room; you have to be able to take your insights out into the world. Inner Wayfinding is oriented towards shifting your perception towards a more intuitive, spontaneous awareness that you can take with you into your relationships, your job, your long walks through town.

The course is currently 4 volumes, hosted in Notion. The volumes are: Imaginal Freestyle, Basic Imaginal Journeying, Mythosomatic Dream Return, and Inner Wilds Sailcraft.

There are 2 more volumes in the works — Archetypal Resonance, and Soul Sabbatical — and I hope to have them out in a few months.

You can’t see the wind, but you can learn its patterns by feeling it on your face, smelling how it shifts smoke, seeing how it moves dust, branches, and sails.

You can’t see the Psyche, but you can learn its currents by feeling it in your body, sensing how it stirs moods, watching how it moves images, myths, and energy.

This, I believe, is the great Western truth: that each of us is a completely unique creature and that, if we are ever to give any gift to the world, it will have to come out of our own experience and fulfillment of our own potentialities, not someone else’s.
— Joseph Campbell